
Whistleblower Exposes Hospital For Performing Genital Sex Change Surgeries On Minors

Whistleblower exposes Kaiser Permanente hospitals for performing genital sex change surgeries on minors Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare company with hospitals across the United States, issued a mandatory training course for all Kaiser employees in Southern California. The course covered topics on “gender-affirming care,” which included information on mastectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasties,

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How Pfizer Pushed Radical Gender Ideology On American Hospitals

The Healthcare Equality Index, funded by Pfizer and PhRMA, pushed radical gender ideology on American hospitals by awarding points for all the policies Children’s National implemented. It was 2019 when Beth Rempe, then a nurse at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., first noticed the change. Doctors were wearing pins

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