Wife Of Never-Trumper Max Boot Caught Spying For South Korea 1

Wife Of Never-Trumper Max Boot Caught Spying For South Korea

Max Boot, a fierce anti-Trump commentator, is facing personal turmoil as his wife, Sue Mi Terry, was indicted for allegedly acting as an agent for the South Korean government. Known for her luxurious tastes and high-profile foreign policy insights, Terry is accused of accepting lavish gifts in exchange for aiding

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Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler's Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy 1

Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler’s Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy

Max Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and senior foreign policy expert, has been indicted for spying for South Korea. According to the charges, Terry traded sensitive U.S. intelligence and influence over American policies in exchange for luxury gifts like designer coats and high-end dinners. The indictment

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Explosive Whistleblower Claims: How NATO Compromised Trump's Security 1

Explosive Whistleblower Claims: How NATO Compromised Trump’s Security

Whistleblowers have revealed that the Secret Service faced resource shortages during Trump’s recent rally due to the NATO summit in Washington, D.C., and First Lady Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburgh. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is demanding answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray about these security lapses, questioning the coordination

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How Much Money Is Lost To Cybercrime? 1

How Much Money Is Lost To Cybercrime?

The FBI’s annual Internet Crime Report reveals staggering losses of $12.5 billion to cybercrime in 2023, marking a $2 billion increase from the previous year, with investment fraud and compromised email accounts as major contributors. The FBI evaluated all of the complaints submitted through its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

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Moderna Hires FBI Agent To Secretly Control Vaccine Debate

According to an exclusive report by investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson, Moderna has been reported to hire former FBI agents to secretly control the vaccine debate. Moderna, a pharmaceutical company, is using its disinformation department to monitor what it refers to as “vaccine misinformation” online. The goal is

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