New Boeing Whistleblower Warns About Substandard Manufacturing On 787 Jets

New Boeing Whistleblower Warns About Substandard Manufacturing On 787 Jets 1

In 2023, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) faced a surge in whistleblower complaints against Boeing, primarily triggered by issues with the 787 Dreamliner. Richard Cuevas, an airplane mechanic, raised alarm bells after witnessing substandard manufacturing practices at Spirit Aerosystems, a Boeing partner. He reported critical drilling and sealant problems on the 787’s forward bulkheads, which […]

Boeing Installed Faulty Parts Even After 2 Crashes – New Whistleblower

Boeing Installed Faulty Parts Even After 2 Crashes - New Whistleblower 1

A whistleblower complaint by Sam Mohawk revealed on June 2023, alleges that Boeing concealed defective parts from the FAA, installed some in new 737 planes, and lost track of others. According to a whistleblower complaint, Boeing concealed defective plane parts from federal regulators and later lost track of them, some of which may have been […]