
The $24 Billion Plan to Bring Africa’s Sunlight to Britain

A thrilling new project aims to build a nearly 4,000-kilometer undersea power line connecting vast wind and solar farms in Morocco to the UK, potentially supplying clean energy to around seven million homes. Simon Morrish, the project’s architect, believes this is the best solution for Britain’s future electricity needs. However,

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Germany Bans China’s 5G Technology At The Behest Of NATO

Germany’s decision to remove Huawei and ZTE from its 5G network has sparked strong backlash from China, with a spokesperson arguing that this move, driven by pressure from the US and NATO, undermines trust and future cooperation. Chinese experts warn that the switch could be costly and slow Germany’s digital

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How US, Canada and Finland Plan to Counter Russia with Icebreakers

The United States, Canada, and Finland are teaming up to strengthen their icebreaker fleets to enhance their Arctic defenses against growing Russian activity, as announced at a recent NATO summit. This new pact includes sharing knowledge on icebreaker production and training workers across the three countries, while encouraging allies to

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We're No One's Proxy - Serbia Tells NATO 1

We’re No One’s Proxy – Serbia Tells NATO

Former US and NATO general Wesley Clark recently accused Serbia of being a puppet for Russia and said President Vucic wanted to expand Serbia’s borders. President Vucic fired back: “To Mr. Clark and everyone else, it’s obvious Serbia isn’t anyone’s puppet—not Russia’s, not America’s, and never will be.” Vucic also

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France’s Left Wing Wants 90% Tax If You Earn Over 400K Euros

France’s left-wing New Popular Front (NPF), now the largest group in parliament, is pushing for a prime minister who will enact their ambitious agenda, including a new wealth tax and petrol price controls. Despite not having an outright majority, the NPF aims to implement policies like raising the minimum wage,

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Antifa Infiltrates French And European Parliaments 1

Antifa Infiltrates French And European Parliaments

For many years, I have testified and written about Antifa and its growing anti-free speech philosophy. Some Democratic leaders have embraced this violent movement, which continues to gain strength on campuses and its cities across the nation. It is also a global movement. That is reflected in the alarming election

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