Tag: Coca Cola

Due the sanctions that where placed on Russia after the attack of Ukraine by the West and western firms leaving the nation, Putin has now threatened to arrest officials of Coca-Cola, IBM, McDonald's, Procter & Gamble and other foreign companies.
Indian authorities have imposed a Rs 25 crore fine on Coca-Cola and PepsiCo for illegal extraction of groundwater.
An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the government’s COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19. In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz...
The entire nation is abuzz with the concept of "Self Reliant India", the Prime Minister of India just learned from the Coronavirus crisis. We are glad atleast now the importance of self reliance is being openly talked about, if...
Coca Cola was accused of funding Colombian Death Squad between 1990 and 2002 to kill at least 10 trade union leaders. U.S.-based Coca-Cola company along with more than 50 other companies were accused by Colombian courts of financing terrorism...
International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), an American nonprofit with an innocuous sounding name has been quietly infiltrating Indian government's health and nutrition bodies influencing India's food policy on behalf of the chemical industry. New Food Packaging Labeling Rules Last year the...