
Did Chinese Repair Ships Sabotage Undersea Cables 1

Did Chinese Repair Ships Sabotage Undersea Cables

The State Department started considering the possibility of Chinese repair ships sabotaging undersea cables after SB Submarine Systems, a state-owned Chinese company that fixes underwater cables, withheld information about the location of their ships. A group of Wall Street Journal reporters were briefed by State Department representatives about the growing

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France Blames Deadly New Caledonia Uprising On TikTok, Russia, & Azerbaijan 1

France Blames Deadly New Caledonia Uprising On TikTok, Russia, & Azerbaijan

According to a recently published report in Politico, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin and other officials blame the deadly New Caledonia uprising on TikTok, Russia, and Azerbaijan. Further disturbing photos from the ongoing rioting and turmoil in the French Pacific island of New Caledonia have surfaced, and more French troops—including

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China Starts Housing Market Bailout 1

China Starts Housing Market Bailout

China has initiated a housing market bailout amid significant economic challenges, including the collapse of major real estate developers, deflationary pressures, and social unrest, prompting increased easing efforts and policy solutions to stabilize the sector. We and many others said that this experiment was doomed and that all China was

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US Suspends EcoHealth Funding For Wuhan Lab Deadly Virus Research 1

US Suspends EcoHealth Funding For Wuhan Lab Deadly Virus Research

According to a letter from Henrietta Brisbon, a deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the US has suspended EcoHealth funding for deadly virus research at the Wuhan lab. Read the original article here. U.S. authorities have severed ties with a charity organization that sent

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China Builds World’s First Dedicated Drone Carrier 1

China Builds World’s First Dedicated Drone Carrier

According to J. Michael Dahm, Senior Resident Fellow at the Mitchell Institute and Naval News, China has built the world’s first dedicated drone carrier. A new aircraft carrier is tucked away far upriver from the big yards at Shanghai, in a shipyard on the Yangtze. It’s the fourth ship built

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Visualizing All The World's Aircraft Carriers 1

Visualizing All The World’s Aircraft Carriers

The list of all the world’s aircraft carriers, along with their respective owners, is visualized using data from various sources, with the USA leading. Warships with a full-length flight deck for transporting, deploying, and recovering aircraft are known as aircraft carriers. They are typically the capital ships in a fleet

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Peter Daszak Testifies Days After Whistleblower Documents Expose More About Dangerous Wuhan Research 1

Peter Daszak Testifies Days After Whistleblower Documents Expose More About Dangerous Wuhan Research

Dr. Peter Daszak testified at a hearing held by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, just days after whistleblower documents revealed more details about dangerous research conducted in Wuhan. In his testimony earlier today, British epidemiologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance was questioned by congressional investigators regarding a

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