
Evergrande Debt Crisis Explained

The Evergrande debt crisis is the ongoing financial situation of Chinese property developer Evergrande Group. After a letter circulated online of the company informing the Guangdong government that it was at risk of a cash crunch, shares in the company plunged in value, with impacts on global markets and a

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With NATO Out China Will Link CPEC To Afghanistan

With NATO forces out of Afghanistan, the Russians will largely provide security in the region and China will be exploring the possibility of restructuring Afghanistan’s supply and trade chains after twenty years of war. Although several potential routes exist along the Wakhan Corridor and via Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, here is

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How Bad Is China’s Social Credit System

China’s social credit system was first announced in 2014 and has since bred speculation that it will lead to an Orwellian nightmare – a real-life Black Mirror. Media reports claimed that all Chinese citizens would be given a numerical ranking by 2020. But is this true?

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