
The Mystery Of The Disappearing Van Gogh

The whereabouts of the disappearing Van Gogh painting named “The Still Life” are unknown after being purchased by producer Wang Zhongjun. The bidding for Lot 17 started at $23 million. In the packed room at Sotheby’s in Manhattan, the price quickly climbed: $32 million, $42 million, $48 million. Then a new prospective

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China Loots Sunken British Warships From WWII

Malaysian media has reported that illegal Chinese salvagers have looted sunken British warships from World War II in the South China Sea. Malaysia’s maritime agency said Monday it found a cannon shell believed to be from World War II on a Chinese-registered vessel and was investigating if the barge carrier

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Is AUKUS Weaponizing Drone Swarms Against China?

The British defense minister hinted that AUKUS, a trilateral security pact between Australia, the UK, and the US, may involve the weaponization of drone swarms against China. The AUKUS military alliance has placed special emphasis on swarm drone technologies in what appears to be an effort to gain the upper

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Eurasian Heartland Rises To Challenge The West

The China-Central Asia summit last week solidified the expansion of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from Western China in Xinjiang to its western neighbors, extending all the way to Iran, Turkey, and Eastern Europe. This development showcases the rise of the Eurasian Heartland, posing a challenge to the West.

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China Hacks US Navy

Microsoft was the first to identify a Chinese hacking group named Volt Typhoon, which targeted the US Navy. This finding has been subsequently confirmed by authorities in the US, UK, and other allied nations. An alleged campaign by Chinese state-sponsored hackers on targets in the US and Guam has raised

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24 Chinese Hypersonic Missiles Will Sink Top U.S. Aircraft Carrier

A paper released in the Chinese-language Journal of Test and Measurement Technology claimed that 24 Chinese hypersonic missiles will sink a top U.S. aircraft carrier. Hypersonic weapons could be “catastrophic” for the most potent aircraft carrier group in the US fleet, according to war game simulations run by a team of

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How US Farmland Became A Battleground In The Fight Against China

Farmlands in the US have become a battleground in the fight against China, as more than two dozen states have passed or considered legislation restricting Chinese purchases of U.S. farmland. Chinese investors own about .03 percent of America’s farmland, according to federal data. But their land purchasing is becoming a major

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Chinese Malware Hits Systems On Guam. Is Taiwan The Real Target?

A mysterious Chinese malware has hit systems on Guam, which Microsoft said was installed by a Chinese government hacking group called Volt Typhoon. There are speculations that Taiwan may be the real target of these cyberattacks. Around the time that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was examining the equipment recovered

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