
Who Benefits From Blaming India For Murder Plots In The US And Canada?

The investigation into the murder plot targeting US-based Khalistan leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun continues, raising the question of who benefits from blaming India. Both the US and Canada are utilizing the Five Eyes intelligence alliance in their pursuit of answers. Diplomatic strain is at an all-time high between the US

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India Hired DEA Agent To Assassinate Terrorist On US Soil

According to the Justice Department, India hired DEA agents to assassinate terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun on US soil. The Justice Department declared on Wednesday that it had brought charges against a man who was purportedly involved in the planning of an American citizen’s assassination earlier this year while working for

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JFK Assassination Witness Reveals New Secrets After 60 Years

Paul Landis, who was a Secret Service agent assigned to First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s security detail that year and a witness to the JFK assassination, has revealed new secrets after 60 years. A somewhat unexpected development in the JFK assassination story has blown a hole in the official government account

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The Mysterious Assassination Of The President Of Haiti Jovenel Moïse

The mysterious plot that led to the brazen assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse — apparently without significant resistance from his own guards — has taken on the dimensions of an international affair, bringing together Colombian former military commandos traversing the Dominican Republic, the two Haitian Americans from South Florida

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