
Cyanide Found In Cups Of Six Dead At Bangkok's Grand Hyatt 1

Cyanide Found In Cups Of Six Dead At Bangkok’s Grand Hyatt

In a chilling incident at Bangkok’s Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel, six people were found dead with traces of cyanide in their cups, sparking a perplexing mystery. The victims, identified as Vietnamese Americans and Vietnamese nationals, were discovered in their room where no signs of forced entry were found, suggesting the

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Syrian Oil Mogul Assassinated In Israeli Drone Strike 1

Syrian Oil Mogul Assassinated In Israeli Drone Strike

A prominent Syrian businessman close to President Bashar al-Assad, Baraa Katerji, was killed by an Israeli drone strike near the Syrian-Lebanese border. Katerji, who managed a vast empire dealing in oil and logistics, was targeted likely due to his role in facilitating Iranian oil shipments into Syria, which are under

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How International Oil Companies Are Smuggling Over 1000 Oil Tankers Everyday 1

How International Oil Companies Are Smuggling Over 1000 Oil Tankers Everyday

International oil companies operating in Kurdistan continue to smuggle over 1,000 oil tankers daily amid a pipeline shutdown since March 2023. According to Reuters investigations, this illicit trade routes crude through Iran and Turkey, generating approximately $200 million monthly despite regulatory challenges. Although Kurdistan hasn’t been able to export its

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UniCredit Takes Central Bankers To Court For Russia Sanctions

UniCredit and Raiffeisenbank are the first banks to take a stand against European Central Bank sanctions on Russia by appealing to the European Court of Justice. Based in Milan, UniCredit argues that the ECB’s demands go beyond its authority and has asked to freeze these requirements. The sanctions put banks

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Germany Bans China’s 5G Technology At The Behest Of NATO

Germany’s decision to remove Huawei and ZTE from its 5G network has sparked strong backlash from China, with a spokesperson arguing that this move, driven by pressure from the US and NATO, undermines trust and future cooperation. Chinese experts warn that the switch could be costly and slow Germany’s digital

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How US, Canada and Finland Plan to Counter Russia with Icebreakers

The United States, Canada, and Finland are teaming up to strengthen their icebreaker fleets to enhance their Arctic defenses against growing Russian activity, as announced at a recent NATO summit. This new pact includes sharing knowledge on icebreaker production and training workers across the three countries, while encouraging allies to

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