Stress Can Sometimes Be Good For Brain Functioning, Researchers Say

Researchers say that stress can sometimes be good for brain functioning. Some amounts of stress may aid in the development of coping strategies.

Stress Can Sometimes Be Good For Brain Functioning Researchers Say

The data gathered from the Human Connectome Project, a national initiative supported by the National Institutes of Health that intended to shed light on how the human brain works, was reviewed by researchers from the Youth Development Institute at the University of Georgia.

According to a study released in Psychiatry Research, low to moderate amounts of stress can foster resilience in people and lower their chance of acquiring mental health conditions including depression and antisocial behavior.

According to the study’s lead author and associate professor of family and consumer sciences, Assaf Oshri, some amounts of stress may aid in the development of coping strategies.

“It will allow you to become a more efficient and effective worker and organize yourself in a way that will help you perform,” Oshri said to the Indian news agency ANI.

Although it feels like an anvil is looming over your head, a low to moderate degree of stress during such moments may actually be beneficial for your brain, whether it be preparing for a major meeting at work, studying for an exam, or working longer hours to finish a sale.

All of these may result in personal development and aid in assisting people in coping with difficult situations in the future.

According to Oshri, a writer might reconsider their style if they are rejected by a publisher, for instance. An individual may reevaluate their skills and whether they ought to pursue a new line of work after being fired from their current position.

The health of people, however, can be harmed by excessive stress.

“At a certain point, stress becomes toxic. Chronic stress, like the stress that comes from living in abject poverty or being abused, can have very bad health and psychological consequences. It affects everything from your immune system, to emotional regulation, to brain functioning. Not all stress is good stress,” Oshri explained.

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