Several real-life horrific recordings from Ukraine have surfaced in recent weeks, depicting mistreatment of Russian servicemen who had been kidnapped. However, one video in particular has caused Russia to launch a probe over Ukrainian ISIS-style ‘social ad’ featuring execution of a Russian soldier.
On Monday, Russia's Investigative Committee opened a criminal investigation into a Ukrainian social media advertisement that urged for aggression towards Russian soldiers. The commercial shows a mock death of a Russian soldier, shot in a peculiar way reminiscent to Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS) terrorist propaganda films.
Over the weekend, a controversial video surfaced on social media, causing a stir in Russia. It shows a lady, who appears to be Ukraine, giving a terrible tirade about Russians, with a 'prisoner' kneeling by her side dressed in Russian military uniform. For a long time, the actress condemns Russian "pigs" of ridiculing, oppressing, and killing Ukrainians, cl...