Royal Marine Charged With Spying For China Found Dead

According to Thames Valley Police, former Royal Marine and Home Office immigration officer Matthew Trickett, 37, who was charged with spying for China, was found dead.

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According to authorities, a former Royal Marine who was supposed to be helping the Hong Kong intelligence agency was discovered dead.

Last Monday, Home Office immigration officer Matthew Trickett, 37, made an appearance in court to answer charges related to the National Security Act.

According to Thames Valley Police, he was discovered on Sunday by a member of the public in a park in Maidenhead, Berkshire.

The force further stated that his death is being investigated as inexplicable and that a post-mortem will be conducted soon.

On Sunday at around 17:15 BST, officers were called to Grenfell Park in Maidenhead, where Mr. Trickett was discovered.

Despite receiving emergency care, he was declared dead at the site.

On Tuesday night, a cordoned-off area in the middle of the park revealed a black forensics tent. There were also police posts scattered across the park.

Anyone who was in the park on Sunday afternoon is being asked by detectives to come forward if they have any information.

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A police cordon was in place at the site on Tuesday evening

The family of Mr. Trickett released a statement expressing their sorrow over the passing of their beloved son, brother, and family member.

“We would be grateful if the press would respect our privacy at this difficult time and refrain from intruding on our grief,” they stated.

Julian Hayes, his attorney, expressed, “We are naturally shocked at this news and supporting his family as best we can.”

Mr. Trickett was an immigration officer with the Home Office and had been a member of the Royal Marines for six years. In addition, he served as the director of MTR Consultancy, a security company.

He was accused last week of aiding the Hong Kong Intelligence Service and interfering in foreign affairs under the National Security Act, together with Chi Leung (Peter) Wai, 38, and Chung Biu Yuen, 63.

They are charged with consenting to conduct information collecting, surveillance, and deceptive activities between December 20, 2023, and May 2, 2023, which were likely to materially aid a foreign intelligence service.

Additionally, it is claimed that on May 1, they broke into a UK property.

During their court appearance, the three accused guys spoke merely to establish their identities.

They were given bail until Friday when they are expected to appear at the Old Bailey, and they had not yet entered a plea.

Prosecutor Kashif Malik requested during last week’s hearing that Mr. Trickett be detained for his own safety, citing the defendant’s attempt on his own life following the charges. However, the request was denied, and Mr. Trickett was released on bond.

According to Thames Valley Police: “Mr. Trickett was compelled to routinely register at a police station while he was out on court bail, awaiting court proceedings.

“Therefore, because Thames Valley Police had prior contact with Mr Trickett, a mandatory referral was made to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), as is normal in such circumstances where there has been a death following police contact.

“The IOPC has assessed that referral and decided that the matter should be investigated by Thames Valley Police’s Professional Standards Department.”

Previously, GreatGameIndia reported that the Chinese Ministry of State Security released a statement saying that they have detained a foreign consultant spying for the UK who received training from MI6.

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