Putin’s Masterplan For The Collapse Of America

In a startling move, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been quietly steering Russia away from the global liberal order for years, foreseeing a looming catastrophe. Russian economist Sergei Glazyev revealed how Putin’s strategy, starting with forming the Eurasian Economic Union in 2014, aims to create a new power center to rival the US and Europe. Glazyev warns of an imminent US economic collapse due to unsustainable financial practices, predicting global repercussions akin to the Great Depression. As Russia prepares by ditching the dollar and international treaties, the world braces for unprecedented change.

Sergey Yurievich Glazyev is a Russian politician and economist, member of the National Financial Council of the Bank of Russia, and, since 2008, a full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Glazyev was minister of Foreign Economic Relations in Boris Yeltsin’s cabinet from 1992 to 1993, a member of the State Duma from 1993 to 2007, one of the leaders of the electoral block Rodina from 2003 to 2004, a candidate for the Presidency of the Russian Federation in 2004, and advisor to the president of the Russian Federation on regional economic integration from 2012 to 2019. As of 2021, he is the Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics within the Eurasian Economic Commission, the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The entire united Western world is facing a very imminent and inevitable catastrophe. Knowing this in advance, Russian President Vladimir Putin began the process of our country’s withdrawal from the global liberal system in advance.

The famous Russian economist Sergei Glazyev spoke about this on the Moscow FM radio, reports DEITA.

As the expert explained, the head of state’s first steps in this direction began back in 2014. It was then, as the expert believes, that Putin came to the conclusion about the need to form a separate Eurasian economic zone under the chairmanship of Russia. The embodiment of this idea was the creation of the EAEU, Glazyev noted.

However, this association still remains a kind of prototype of the supranational association that should have been conceived from the beginning. The large Eurasian space, as the expert explained, in the future should become a new pole of power on a par with other centers in the form of the USA, China, India and other regional unions.

The need to leave the American-centric system and create our own is dictated not only by the fact that the United States cannot and does not want to deal with Russia on equal terms, but also by the fact that the main financial instrument of the West in the form of the dollar is collapsing and in the very near future its owners will will formalize its collapse, the economist believes.

According to him, the US financial elites delayed this collapse for many years. In fact, a full-scale collapse of financial markets in America should have taken place back in 2008, when the well-known economic crisis broke out. However, the then administration decided to solve this problem by printing fiat money.

In 2020 and 2021, the American establishment decided to repeat the experience of the financial crisis and once again stimulate its already hopeless economy with new gigantic injections of liquidity. However, as current statistics show, this policy was effective only for a very short period of time and led the United States to a dead end.

The first alarming “bell” was the start of a sharp drop in the most important economic indicators at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021. Since then, the US economic situation has only continued to deteriorate. The most likely way out of the current crisis situation may be a rapid collapse of financial markets.

The main problem of the global liberal system is that it is based on the principle of constant expansion. As soon as there is nowhere to expand, this system falls into a crisis, due to which there is no other way out except its own destruction and the writing off of all previously accumulated obligations.

As Glazyev explained, in practice this means that the American government may one day declare a default and call on all other economic agents to forgive all debts to their borrowers. When and if this happens, America’s GDP will collapse by at least 30%, and the consumption level of households there will fall by half.

Such a sharp failure will be due to the fact that, as the expert explained, since the 80s of the last century, the US financial leadership has completely switched to a model of stimulating private demand through the constant issue of an unsecured dollar. The US authorities publicly abandoned the gold standard back in August 1971.

Such reckless and irresponsible practices of the American monetary authorities led to the country’s economy becoming completely dependent on the continuation of the quantitative easing policy. As soon as the printing press was turned off in the United States, business activity immediately fell and a crisis of non-payments formed, so that the Fed was asked for even more money.

The situation has gone so far that, as Glazyev explained, today the United States has already come close to the absolutely real prospect of declaring a default. The current situation could provoke a huge increase in the unemployment rate, which will result in great social and political upheavals for America with very long consequences.

“In any case, the approaching crisis threatens to develop into a full-scale social and economic catastrophe, the scale of which will not be inferior to the Great Depression of the 30s of the last century,” the economist said.

At the same time, he also noted that today Russia is the only country on the planet that is ready to offer the whole world an alternative development model. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned that a global catastrophe will soon occur, which will begin with a financial collapse in the United States.

At the same time, the danger of the collapse of this system lies in the desire of its beneficiaries to preserve it at all costs. In the process of trying to delay its collapse, they can begin to unleash major military conflicts around the world, as well as provoke various disasters, both man-made and socio-economic in nature.

It was precisely in order to minimize the costs of the coming catastrophe, as Glazyev said, that Putin began preparing Russia for it a long time ago. An important step in this direction was taken in 2021. It was then that the dedollarization campaign in the Russian Federation received a powerful impetus – the country began to actively get rid of this currency in gold and foreign exchange reserves and in foreign trade.

In addition, starting in 2022, as the expert emphasized, the Russian president began to withdraw Russia from a huge number of various international treaties concluded with the West, the action of which did not bring any benefit to our country, but at the same time constrained our development and gave significant advantages to our former partners.

“Now it is becoming clear to everyone that it is no longer possible to avoid the outbreak of a catastrophe in the United States, which will subsequently spread throughout the world and become global in nature. The only thing you can do is prepare well for it. This is exactly what Putin has been doing for several years now. Russia has already completely gotten rid of the dollar in the structure of its state reserves and transferred all foreign payments with all our key foreign partners to national currencies,” the specialist said.

According to him, when the American economy begins to collapse under the weight of accumulated problems and contradictions, when the entire global dollar system collapses, Russia will be safe, because by this time our country will have completely freed itself from all obligations associated with being in a controlled state. USA is part of the world.

At the same time, all other states that currently cannot challenge America, as the Russian Federation did under the leadership of Putin, after the start of the most acute phase of the impending global catastrophe, will greatly regret that they once exchanged their security and sustainable development on the loyalty of the American authorities.

According to Glazyev, the biggest costs and losses will be faced by Europe, which, even before the onset of the coming global cataclysm, is in a deep recession and Europeans have no prospects for getting out of this situation. Their only hope is the lifting of sectoral sanctions and the restoration of normal relations with Russia.

“The Russian leader has repeatedly stated that the unbridled desire of the Americans to hold the whole world with one single pole of power will certainly lead to a catastrophe on a global scale, the beginning of which we are all already witnessing today. So everyone will soon understand that Putin was completely right,” Glazyev said.

After this crisis, according to the expert, a new economic structure will form in the world. It will be integral. States and private banks will lose their private monopoly on the issue of money, agreements will be concluded between sovereign countries on a general basis, and not under pressure, as is the case, in particular, between the United States and Europe.

As reported by GreatGameIndia, recently Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-Un unveiled a groundbreaking military and economic alliance following their historic summit in Pyongyang. Putin highlighted a new treaty providing mutual defense against aggression, amid escalating tensions with Western nations over arms supplies to neighboring regions. Kim praised the treaty as pivotal in reshaping global power dynamics towards a multipolar world, emphasizing the strategic vision and friendship between Russia and North Korea. The agreement includes economic projects like railway upgrades and cultural exchanges, underscoring their joint stance against foreign dominance and sanctions. Their united front challenges Western hegemony, promising a new era of independence and stability in Northeast Asia.

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  1. asia has grown up, is self-supporting, no longer needs western help. Time to knock off the training wheels and let em go.

  2. Cancers and tumors start out very small. The key is to recognize them early and aggressively attack them.

  3. So, a plan to save your country from another country’s plan to destroy your country by breaking it into many smaller countries, is an attack on the other country seeking to destroy you?

    • Yes. The government of the former United States has been totally captured by nefarious forces. Only God can help us now.

      • Let’s see who warned us over the years – Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, Eustace Mullins, Herr Adolph. Time to wake up people. They have lied to you about everything & disparaged all those that told you the truth.

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