Is Paper, Security Thread & Ink Imported From Foreign Countries For Printing New Notes?

Read the original GreatGameIndia story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers published on 13th Nov 2016 that led to the press conference by Dilip Pandey exposing the role of blacklisted British company with Pakistani links #DeLaRue in printing of new Indian currency notes.

Although it has been proclaimed that the new Indian currency notes are indigenously produced a lot of materials are being imported from foreign countries mainly from UK.

As reported by India Today,

Sources in the RBI have told India Today that around 16 million tonne of paper is being imported from the UK. That’s not all, RBI is even sourcing the specialized security thread used in new notes from centres across Italy, Ukraine and UK. The new note that you will have is not completely Indian made. Interestingly, the intaglio ink used to print the notes is supplied from Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim and Rajasthan but its also produced abroad and then sources from local centres.

What is more is that there are even suggestions being made to outsource the printing of Indian currency notes to foreign countries altogether.

Recently Adi Godrej, Chairman of Godrej Group told India Today that “They (Government and RBI) should act and get Indian notes printed outside, there are several bodies that can do that”.

We would like to remind our readers that it is because of such outsourcing in the past by Indian Govt that a fake currency economy flourished. At the root of the fake currency economy is a British company called De La Rue (advised by Rothschild and JP Morgan) and a host of other European companies. De La Rue has been printing our currency notes since before Independence. Sometime during 2009-10 it came to light that it was because of De La Rue that Pakistan was able to print fake Indian currency notes. It was a matter of National Security so De La Rue and other companies were blacklisted and banned by Home Ministry.

However it has come to light that these same companies who were banned and blacklisted because of their links with Pakistan are also involved in the printing of the new Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. The same companies have also been contracted to supply polymer note making technology for printing Rs.10 plastic notes as well. There are even plans in discussion with De la Rue for setting up of a security paper mill and a research and development centre of identity software in Madhya Pradesh. Martin Sutherland the new CEO of De la Rue in an interview titled Giving Make in India the Currency to Succeed with India Investment Journal said that under the UK-India Defence & International Security Partnership Agreement which was signed in November 2015, De La Rue is committed to supporting both governments on the subject of counterfeiting under this agreement.

Now De la Rue is the same company whose owner Roberto Giori who controlled 90% of the world’s currency-printing business was on the hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 also known as IC 814. And it is believed that a ransom was paid by the Indian Government for the safe release of Roberto Giori. This same company after being blacklisted by Indian Government lost its most valuable customer – the Reserve Bank of India and almost went bankrupt. What is most intriguing is that De la Rue that almost went bankrupt after losing RBI contracts reported a whopping 33.33% rise in its shares in the last six months and was a huge mover the day after the announcement for demonetization was made.


Now the question is if these European companies were banned and blacklisted how could they be involved in printing new Indian currency notes? How could the same companies that were a serious concern and banned because they posed a threat to National Security suddenly be cleared of the blacklist and given contracts in the printing our currency notes again? Was the ban lifted? If so why?Who lifted it?

These are the questions that the Government needs to answer and all opposition parties including concerned citizens of India need to demand.

For more details and references refer to the original GreatGameIndia story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers that has led to the press conference by Dilip Pandey exposing the role of blacklisted British company with Pakistani links #DeLaRue in the printing of new Indian currency notes.

Note: In order to get answers to the above questions GreatGameIndia has under the Right to Information Act filed RTIs to know the truth of the matter in the service of the nation. RTI Request filed vide registration number RBIND/R/2016/53066 and MHOME/R/2016/53193.

GGI Reports on #DeMonetization
The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers
विमुद्रीकरण: भारतीय मुद्रा छापनेवालों की रहस्यमयी दुनिया
De la Rue, A Blacklisted Company With Pakistani Links To Supply Rs.10 Plastic Notes To India?
When Was Ban On Blacklisted Currency Printer De La Rue Lifted?
India’s War On Cash Or Global Economic Warfare?


The Jul-Sept 2016 issue of GreatGameIndia Magazine is dedicated exclusively for the understanding of how international markets work and how exactly it impacts Indian Rupee, published as a special #FinancialWarfare issue.

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