In 2022, NASA sent a spacecraft to crash into a tiny asteroid named Dimorphos. The mission, called DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), was meant to test whether hitting an asteroid could change its path and help protect Earth from potential space threats.
Dimorphos, along with its bigger asteroid buddy Didymos, doesn’t pose any danger to Earth. But it was a perfect test subject because it's similar in size to asteroids that could one day be a threat.
When NASA's spacecraft collided with Dimorphos, it did more than just nudge the asteroid. The impact sent millions of pounds of rock and dust flying into space. This debris could lead to something exciting: a new meteor shower!
What’s the Big Deal?
Scientists have been studying the debris from this impact and have made a fascinating discovery. They found that some of this space junk could reach Earth and Mars over the next few decades. In fact, tiny pieces might start hitting Earth’s atmosphere within the next 10 year...