Not so long ago, a revolution happened, the one that changed the history of online gambling forever. The revolution brought the players around the world freedom; a chance to enjoy their favorite casino content wherever and whenever they want.
The birth of mobile gaming shook the whole online gambling community somewhere around 2005, when Playtech, a respectable software developer, launched a mobile-friendly platform and changed the course of gaming everlastingly. The popularity of remote entertainment was becoming bigger day by day, up until the moment it beat Desktop gaming. In 2020, a significant online breakdown happened. Out of the entire $143 billion spent on mobile apps, $100 billion was for mobile games! The numbers were skyrocketing! Compared to just one year earlier, 2019, the increase was huge – 35%!
Why have gamblers become so keen on mobile gaming in such a short time?
The Ups And Downs of Mobile Gaming
There are plenty of reasons why players around t...