Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has made a dramatic move by removing WhatsApp from his phone and urging his supporters to do the same, claiming the app is being misused by "fascists" to incite violence against his government. In a fiery televised speech, Maduro denounced WhatsApp as a tool of "technological imperialism" and called for a switch to Telegram and WeChat, which he praised as more secure alternatives. This bold step comes amid ongoing protests and accusations of a Western-backed media coup following his controversial re-election. Maduro’s strong stance reflects his deep mistrust of social media platforms and foreign influences in Venezuelan politics.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has made a big move by removing WhatsApp from his phone and urging his supporters to do the same. He claims that the popular messaging app is being used by enemies of Venezuela to cause trouble and spread violence.
On Tuesday, Maduro appeared on the TV network Telesur from Carac...