Kiril Zelenskiy is the second offspring of Ukraine's commander-in-chief and his partner Olena. Olena, the spouse of Volodymyr, welcomed their son in 2013. He is currently 9 years old. Kiril has a sibling, Aleksandra Zelensky, who is around eight years his senior and a teenager. Kiril was given the name Kyrylo Zelenskyy on January 21, 2013, a decade after his parents' nuptials and about 9 years after the arrival of his first and only sister, Aleksandra.
Kiril has a senior family member named Alexandra who came into the world on July 15, 2004 and is currently 18 years old. Despite his pictures and some information about him in the media, Kiril keeps a low profile. However, his 18-year-old sister Oleksandra, who was born in 2004, is an actress who featured in their father's 2014 film, 8 New Dates.
During a conversation, the President was candid about whether his kids wanted him to run for re-election or not. He said that his children, Aleksandra and Kiril, were against him seek...