Kim Dotcom, the notorious internet entrepreneur behind the now-defunct file-sharing website Megaupload, is finally set to be extradited to the United States after more than a decade of legal battles. This decision could mark the end of a long and dramatic saga that has kept the world watching.
Here's the story:
Kim Dotcom, born in Germany, became famous (or infamous) as the founder of Megaupload, a website that allowed users to upload and share files. But it wasn’t long before the site attracted the attention of U.S. authorities, who accused Dotcom and his team of encouraging people to share copyrighted material, costing the entertainment industry over $500 million. The U.S. government also charged Dotcom with more serious crimes like money laundering and racketeering.
I love New Zealand. I’m not leaving 😘
Oops 😬 Don’t worry I have a plan 😉
In 2012, the FBI ordered a raid on Dotcom’s mansion in Auckland, New Zealand. The ...