Kevin Spacey’s Shocking Confession: Flying With Epstein And Young Girls Explained In Candid Interview

In a candid interview on “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Kevin Spacey discussed his trip with Jeffrey Epstein to Africa in 2002, highlighting their humanitarian mission and encountering “young girls.”

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For the first time, Kevin Spacey is describing his reasons for traveling abroad with Jeffrey Epstein and certain “young girls,” but he continues to insist that he was never close pals with the sex criminal who has since died.

During an eight-day humanitarian journey to Africa in 2002, the former cast member of “House of Cards” revealed on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” that he had met Epstein.

“It was primarily to raise awareness and prevention for AIDS, and particularly for mothers who had HIV to get the medication they needed to not pass it onto their children, so I said yes, absolutely,” the actor further explained.

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Kevin Spacey talked about how he and Jeffrey Epstein became acquainted in a new interview. Future Publishing via Getty Images
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The actor shared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” that he met the deceased sex offender on a humanitarian trip to Africa. Piers Morgan Uncensored/YouTube

Spacey claimed that they visited with physicians and nurses to find out about patient care during the “amazing” journey, and they even spent a full day with Nelson Mandela.

After it was revealed that Spacey had been a passenger on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” jet, the “American Beauty” star initially denied having any close relationship with the wealthy and powerful man.

Spacey told Piers Morgan, “I have since learned who he is and I have since been able to go back and find out that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein.”

He went on to say, “I didn’t know him.” I have never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton Foundation people, that’s who I was with.”

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Spacey said former President Bill Clinton invited him on the trip with Epstein. Netflix
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“I was with the Clinton Foundation people, that’s who I was with,” Spacey said. The William J. Clinton President / MEGA

Spacey admitted to Morgan that, although he had claimed not to “know” Epstein’s identity for a while, he did remember feeling uneasy in Epstein’s presence.

The 64-year-old “Baby Driver” star stated, “I didn’t want to be around this guy because I felt he put the president at risk on that trip to South Africa, because there were these young girls.” “We were like, ‘Who is this guy?’”

“There’s a big difference between not remembering whether I went to somebody’s island and not remembering that I met some guy and some woman on a humanitarian trip where my focus was entirely on what we were there to do,” Spacey repeated.

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Spacey claimed he didn’t “know” who Epstein was. US District Court for the South
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The actor recalled, though, seeing “young girls” on Epstein’s jet. US District Court for the Southe

The “Usual Suspects” actor was spotted rubbing elbows with Ghislaine Maxwell, the financier’s friend and collaborator, giving the impression that the two had a closer relationship than they had.

Soon after the Africa trip in 2002, Spacey and the 63-year-old former British socialite were seen laughing together while seated on thrones at Buckingham Palace.

The “LA Confidential” actress informed Morgan that the reason the party traveled to England in the first place was because 77-year-old Clinton had accepted an invitation from former Prime Minister Tony Blair to speak at a Labour Party convention.

“So, we flew then to London, and the president said to me, ‘Before we leave tomorrow, do you want to come? I am going to go to Buckingham Palace tomorrow to see Prince Andrew, do you want to come?’” Spacey explained. “I said, ‘Sure.’”

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Spacey said Clinton invited him to go to England after their trip to Africa. AFP via Getty Image
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Spacey said about 18 people made the journey to the UK with the former president. AFP via Getty Images

According to the “Casino Jack” actor, a group of eighteen ended up visiting Buckingham Palace.

“This Maxwell woman, she was one of many people to sit down next to me in that throne room,” he claimed.

“I have no relationship with her. I had no relationship with [Epstein]. I mean he’s not my friend. I am not a confidant. I’ve never spent time with him.”

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While in London, Spacey and Ghislaine Maxwell posed on thrones at Buckingham Palace.
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Spacey has maintained that he was unaware of Epstein or Maxwell’s alleged sex-trafficking misdeeds.

In addition, Spacey was questioned about the allegations of sexual assault against Prince Andrew.

The “Outbreak” actor, who has been the subject of his accusations of sexual assault and was recently found not guilty of nine charges in London last year, responded, “I don’t know anything about it.”

“I’m not going to talk about someone else’s scandal,” Spacey continued. My point is, that I had enough accusations of my own to deal with, I don’t need to inherit someone else’s.”

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that the Epstein documents made public reveal that Bill Clinton, Stephen Hawking, and Michael Jackson were present at a Jeffrey Epstein orgy.

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  1. There never was any danger to those little girls from Spacey, Clinton, or even Trump. Do you know why?

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