J. D. Vance Put On Kill-list By Ukraine’s Molfar

What is Molfar?

Key Partners and Affiliations

Molfar’s list of foreign partners includes:

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

A leading defense think tank associated with the British monarchy.

USAID and CRDF-Global

USAID hosts seminars with Molfar, while CRDF-Global funds Molfar to train Ukraine’s public servants and Security Service (SBU) in OSINT methods.

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED)

An organization inspired by the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy, financed by the European Commission and EU member states, and founded by the pro-Anglophile Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in 2013.

Media and Intelligence Network

Molfar’s clients and recipients of its intelligence reports include some of the most prestigious Western media outlets:

Molfar first gained significant media attention when The Times of London published its war investigations as credible sources on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The agency claims to work with around 1,000 journalists globally, who use Molfar’s information in their reporting on Ukraine. These collaborations include joint investigations and the provision of detailed reports and satellite photos.

Military and Hit List Operations

Molfar’s activities are closely aligned with Ukraine’s military and state agencies, as well as Western intelligence. Since February 2022, Molfar has focused on military investigations related to the war. The agency claims to provide an average of 15 actionable intelligence reports to Ukrainian intelligence per month, assisting in developing precise military targets within Russia and its new territories.

Molfar’s website indicates that it shares information with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Brigade, portraying them as “highly motivated patriots” and defending their actions since their inception in 2014. The agency also uses the Myrotvorets kill list for some of its investigations, targeting individuals deemed “Enemies of Ukraine.”

Molfar's "Enemies of Ukraine" List
Molfar's "Enemies of Ukraine" List

Public Hit Lists

Molfar has made 11 public hit lists, including:

  • Personnel from Russian agencies (FSB, GRU)
  • Russian pilots based at the Engels-2 airbase
  • Individuals involved in producing Russia’s drones
  • Businesses suspected of violating sanctions against Russia
  • High-ranking clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church


These lists contain personal information about the targets, such as addresses and family details. The agency’s CEO, Artem Starosiek, has openly stated that Molfar’s goal is to gather evidence and draw the attention of state authorities to these individuals’ activities, aiming for their removal from public positions, the introduction of sanctions, and investigations into their involvement in crimes.

Notable Targets

One of Molfar’s public lists, the “Register of Russian Foreign Propagandists,” includes 153 political leaders, journalists, businesspeople, and analysts from various countries. Notable figures on this list include:

  • Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
  • South African President Cyril Ramaphosa
  • Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
  • U.S. Senator Rand Paul
  • U.S. Representative Thomas Massie
  • German citizen Helga Zepp-LaRouche
  • American journalists Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, and Max Blumenthal
  • Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter
  • CIA veteran analyst Ray McGovern

Aggressive Tactics