Illegal Aliens Jump In Front Of Cars To Blackmail New York Drivers

According to a New York Post report, illegal aliens in Brooklyn, including Bergen Beach and Rockaway, are jumping in front of cars to extort money from drivers, alarming residents and law enforcement.

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Illegal immigrants enjoy gaming a lot. Among their favorite things to do is figure out how to make money quickly. In Brooklyn, New York, illegal immigrants have recently taken up this pastime again since they discovered that, should they be unlucky enough to be struck by a driving vehicle, they can profit from jumping in front of them.

According to a January story in The New York Post, locals and law enforcement in Brooklyn’s residential neighborhood of Bergen Beach were alarmed by reports of illegal aliens jumping in front of passing cars.

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Former Bergen Beach NYPD officer John B. told The Post, “They’re scaring people saying, ‘You just hit me, and I’m going to report it if you don’t give me the money.'”

On January 7, a freelance photographer tweeted that individuals in several parts of Brooklyn, New York, were having the same issue. A statement from Salvatore Calise, the previous president of the Bergen Beach Civic Association, alerting locals to the problem and detailing his victimization, was also attached to the tweet.

Residents of Rockaway, New York, have reportedly indicated that illegal aliens have “stepped up” their game since the New York Post published an article on the plan, according to The Post.

Christina, a 37-year-old Rockaway Beach resident, was traveling to work in Bensonhurst on May 6 when an undocumented immigrant “launched himself” in front of her vehicle, as reported by The Post. On Flatbush Avenue South, she was traveling in the right lane when she abruptly veered to the left to miss the man. A dash camera captured the encounter on video, which was provided to The Post.

“All of a sudden, I see a man in front of my car with eyes wide open, screaming, staring at me in the eye…He was trying to get me to run him over,” Christina said.  

Christina “suspects” that the man resided in the neighboring Floyd Bennett Field, New York, emergency “shelter” for illegal aliens. In the emergency “shelter” for illegal aliens, asylum-seeking individuals are housed in a tent complex situated on a former airport in a rural area. According to France 24, the center is run by the city’s health department, which also “insists newcomers are fed, receive medical care, and get help from social workers to apply for asylum, seek training and employment, and send their children to school.”

In response to Christina’s Facebook post, other Rockaway Beach locals shared their own similar stories.

“Someone did this to me outside 7/11 on Flatbush about three weeks ago,” one resident wrote. 

According to The Post, a different woman posted on Flatbush Avenue on May 6 that “A man jumped in front of my daughter’s car this morning.”

“She was able to break in time and didn’t hit him.”

On June 8, a woman tweeted that she and her husband had experienced the same thing, “just happened,” in reaction to The Post’s video footage of Christina’s encounter.

Paradoxically, according to France 24, Ecuadorian illegal immigrant Luis Moreno said that the United States was a “safe country” with “no crime” compared to his own country of third-world status. He was residing at Floyd Bennett Field. Regretfully for Moreno, an influx of undocumented immigrants who have no regard for American principles is causing chaos in the nation by running over automobiles and doing other violent crimes.

Because Americans are not only risking their money, their game is quite perilous.

“If I was distracted for one split second, or looking down, or if someone was in the left lane, my life would be over . . . It’s just sickening,” Christina said.

Desperate to get money, illegal aliens are flinging themselves in front of cars in an attempt to deceive Americans into giving it to them, no matter the cost.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that amidst NYC hotel room shortages, 20% are migrant shelters. Mayor Eric Adams’ policies raise rates, enforcing short-term rental laws, as the city faces $10 billion in migrant crisis costs.

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  1. Be vigilant of this same tactic in your state, as the illegals are everywhere now. Thank Joe Biden and Myorkas for this latest scam by illegals.

  2. A relative stationed in Nigeria 15 years ago was a “victim” of this same injury scam, nothing new to see here…

  3. Stop your car and get out and explain to them that they’re breaking the law. Then shake their hand, get back in your car and run their sorry asses over. Put car in reverse and tun them over again. I f they ask you for money refer them to the “Big guy.”

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