How The Ukraine Communications Group Could Influence U.S. Elections

The Ukraine Communications Group, established by the US and Poland earlier this week, could significantly influence US elections by targeting conservative-nationalist opposition and possibly aiding the liberal-globalist elite’s objectives.

How The Ukraine Communications Group Could Influence U.S. Elections 1

This multilateral forum presents the US government with an even greater opportunity to influence the upcoming presidential election by bringing together propagandists from the West under the guise of supporting Ukraine.

Earlier this week, the US and Poland came to two agreements to create the “Ukraine Communications Group” (UCG), which is based in Warsaw. “Coordination of messaging, promotion of accurate reporting of Russia’s full-scale invasion, amplification of Ukrainian voices, and exposure of Kremlin information manipulation” is its stated objective. Though aimed at Russia, it will probably also target the conservative-nationalist opposition in the West and may spread to cover more ground than simply Ukraine.

Under public pressure, the Department of Homeland Security’s infamous “Disinformation Governance Board,” which had essentially the same mission when it was briefly established for several months in 2022, was forced to close because of justifiable worries that its mandate might violate Americans’ civil liberties. But its architects finally realized that they should not create another such institution at home, which is why they are establishing the UCG in Warsaw rather than Washington, DC, to carry out its operations.

Because of its foreign location and partially foreign makeup, the US Government (USG) can “plausibly deny” claims that it threatens American civil liberties like that of its predecessor. In addition, any future violations of these rights could be attributed to their foreign partners, absolving the USG of responsibility. Ultimately, the final clearly stated objective may be easily used to target all Westerners under the guise that they are either aware of or are involved in “Kremlin information manipulation,” whether on purpose or not.

From there, it would just be a short hop, skip, and jump to use the UCG as a weapon against conservative-nationalist opposition members in the West, either to fabricate a false “legal” justification for spying on them or to discredit these individuals in the public eye. In light of some of their rivals’ victories in the most recent European Parliamentary elections and in front of the upcoming US presidential election, the governing liberal-globalist elite in the West feels more pressure than ever to fulfill its implicit objective.

Targets might include the National Rally in France, the AfD in Germany, and perhaps the “Law & Justice” (PiS) and Confederation parties in Poland. About the latter two, there is a suspicion that returning Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s decision to dubious restore his predecessor’s “Russian influence commission,” which he had denounced last summer, is intended to discredit PiS ahead of the presidential election in May of next year. Additionally, his opponents lost the most recent European Parliamentary elections by a mere 1%.

Confederation finished in third place with more votes cast by voters under 30 than the two major parties in the nation, despite being disparaged as “friends of Putin” and “wanting to destroy Europe” by Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, last month. Together, PiS and Confederation’s performance showed that the Polish Right is robust in the face of Tusk’s liberal globalists winning the most recent European Parliamentary elections. For this reason, the UCG is likely to target them.

This worry is strengthened by Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski’s suggestion last month that anyone who upholds traditional values, opposes illegal immigration, and queries any aspect of the Ukrainian Conflict may be influenced by Russia. This suggestion could potentially become the unofficial standard for the UCG moving forward. This would ensure that Trump’s Make America Great Again/America First movement is targeted as well, leading to abuses of civil liberties and election meddling, as the reader probably has surmised.

Anything that Trump decides to reveal as an “October surprise” or that coincidentally happens to further embarrass Biden by then might be used as an excuse to support the UCG’s purported “Kremlin information manipulation” and the USG’s involvement in the elections. Since there was no such platform in 2016, the meddling in that year was mostly ad hoc, but in 2020 it was comparatively more coordinated after the “former” Intelligence Community united to falsely label Hunter’s laptop as “Russian disinformation”.

The USG can now more successfully influence the upcoming presidential election than ever before because to the UCG, which was constituted nearly five months before it took place on foreign soil, outside the US Constitution, and partially composed of foreign governments. In actuality, this platform may coordinate the unlawful surveillance programs and information warfare efforts of the governing liberal-globalist elite in the West, giving them an advantage in any upcoming election.

The Democrats took their anticipated win over Trump for granted until last fall, so it took the USG almost two years to virtually reconstitute the “Disinformation Governance Board,” although in its new hybrid American-European and ostensibly Ukrainian-focused rebranded form. Around that time, during the height of the impasse in Congress over aid to Ukraine, it became evident that he had enough followers to “beat the cheat” and give him a margin that was “too big to rig.”

Their understanding led them to establish a multilateral forum to unite propagandists from the West and maximize their efforts against Trump and his likes. Unlike their national counterparts, this elite is essentially powerless and primarily symbolic, even though the results of the most recent European Parliamentary elections went against their political objectives. Therefore, it wasn’t necessary to make the UCG public until after the elections were over.

The timing prevented the possibility that the conservative-nationalist opposition would mobilize voters in opposition to this blatantly partisan meddling platform, allowing the elite to gather a more accurate measure of public sentiment through this primarily symbolic vote rather than influencing it in that way. It makes little sense to conceal what they have been doing for months now that the results are known, which is why they decided to reveal the UCG on the same day following the European Parliamentary elections.

They can now more openly use it to meddle in domestic political processes around the West using the methods outlined, with the main objective being to sway American voters’ opinions of Trump to discourage them from supporting him and make it easier to rig the election. Thus, the UCG is essentially a renamed version of the “Disinformation Governance Board.” As with its predecessor, the UCG’s success is far from certain because its genuine motivations are readily apparent.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that a New York Times story revealed how Israel funded a covert influence campaign targeting US lawmakers using the Tel Aviv-based political marketing firm Stoic.

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