Joe Biden was a reform-minded senator in the 1970s. However, Biden did a 180-degree turn and became a Marxist, mirroring the Democratic Party's and the White House's leftward shift.
Rampant inflation dooms the incumbent, vindicate right-wing economic ideas, and set back the postwar liberal welfare project by a generation. Those are Joe Biden's remarks, not those of a Wall Street Journal editorial, reported Free Beacon.
They came during an interview in 1987, when Biden was just starting his first presidential campaign. He bemoaned people' dissatisfaction with government and large-scale expenditure programs linked with the New Deal and the Great Society at the time. According to Biden, the increasing inflation that characterized the presidencies of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter generated a distrust of government.
"Government was making the wrong decisions," Biden told the Atlantic. "As much as 5 or 6 percentage points on the inflation rate were due...