In a subcommittee, former Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund testified that he had three calls with Pelosi on January 6.
The House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight held an inquiry on Tuesday with the topic "Oversight of the United States Capitol Security: Assessing Security Failures on January 6, 2021."
The subcommittee is led by Representative Barry Loudermilk. Steven A. Sund, a former chief of the U.S. Capitol Police, gave testimony before the committee.
Nancy Pelosi's inability to safeguard the US Capitol that day has been vocally criticized by Chief Steven Sund.
According to many reports, President Trump requested the National Guard three days before January 6. But Pelosi rejected him. She had been warned repeatedly that there may be bloodshed, but she refused to bring in the National Guard.
Pelosi then resisted providing House investigators with details concerning her involvement in the security lapse during the melee on January 6 for more than a year....