Dr Fauci Spent $424K On Experiments Where Dogs Were Bitten To Death By Flies

According to documents obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, Dr Fauci spent $424,000 to commission experiments where dogs were bitten to death by flies.

In the study healthy beagles are given an experimental drug and then intentionally infested with flies that carry a disease-causing parasite that affects humans.

Records show that the dogs were “vocalizing in pain” during the experiments.

At the end of the ongoing experiment, the dogs will all be killed.

Experimenters admit this investigational drug, “has been extensively tested and confirmed…in different animal models such as mice…Mongolian gerbils…and rhesus macaques….”

These documents were obtained by White Coat Waste Project using the Freedom of Information Act.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has also been conducting a series of secret experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats.

Almost $400,0...

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