Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths

During his hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic at Capitol Hill, Fauci claimed the unvaccinated were responsible for an additional 200-300k deaths.

Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths 1

Disgraced physician Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted during his Monday hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that hundreds of thousands of Americans had died as a result of their refusal to take the COVID vaccine, which was tainted with abortion.

Fauci testified in public on Capitol Hill on Monday for the first time since he left his position in 2022. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of the Georgia GOP once told him that he ought to be imprisoned for committing “crimes against humanity.”

Rep. Robert Garcia, a Democrat from California, questioned Fauci on whether Americans should “listen to America’s brightest and best doctors and scientists, or instead listen to podcasters conspiracy theorists and unhinged Facebook memes.” Fauci responded with his accusation.

Garcia did not give the names of the individuals he had in mind.

In response, Fauci contended that individuals will suffer because they “will deprive themselves of life-saving interventions” when they listen to podcasters and other content creators.

has detailed the numerous unfavorable side effects and bad responses that people have experienced from the Big Pharma-backed COVID vaccination, which has been connected to a host of illnesses, including blood clots, myocarditis, abrupt death, and pregnancy difficulties.

Then, according to Fauci, “some” people “have done studies” on the effects of the unvaccinated on other people.

“Peter Hotez has analyzed this and shows that in people who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons,” he stated. They are “probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.”

Which “analysis” that Hotez carried out is unclear from Fauci’s statement.

Hotez works as a Big Pharma publicist. In December 2022, Hotez asserted in a video posted on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) X account that “anti-vaccine activism” equates to “anti-science aggression.”

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that during an interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci admitted he made up COVID guidelines based on mere assumptions, not science.

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