Explosive Hearing: Philippines’ House Of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Caused By Experimental Vaccines

The Philippines’ House of Representatives held an explosive hearing to investigate over 290,000 excess deaths potentially linked to experimental vaccines, featuring testimonies from Attorney Tanya Lat, analyst Sally Clark, and House Chairman Dan Fernandez.

Explosive Hearing: Philippines' House Of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Caused By Experimental Vaccines 1

The House of Representatives in the Philippines had a contentious session that was centered on the alarming rise in over 290,000 excess fatalities. As individuals began to link the introduction of experimental vaccines, intense debates broke out, exposing startling statistics and testimonials.

Watch the video below:

Attorney Tanya Lat voiced the frustrations of many Filipinos: “There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people.” Her words resonated in the chamber, painting a grim picture of a Department of Health (DOH) that seems indifferent to the suffering caused by the vaccines. “We look into their eyes, there does not seem to be any sympathy for the people who have died, for the people who are now physically disabled because of these vaccines,” she added.

As analyst Sally Clark revealed concerning statistics, the tension persisted: “This is our birth data.” And it shows that we have had a loss of babies every single year since the pandemic started. So 2019 was our last normal birth year. And the last line at the bottom is 2023.”

She discovered a noteworthy and concerning pattern as she examined the data: birth rates are sharply declining. The patterns in this data are comparable to those in highly vaccinated nations like Singapore, where stillbirths and neonatal deaths have increased.

Sally gave the following explanation on the death toll: “The very big spike is the deaths in 2021, which started in March of 2021, immediately consecutive with the start of the vaccine rollout.” Clark highlighted the notable rise in fatalities that occurred in July and August of 2021, coinciding with the introduction of the Janssen vaccine. “In 2021, when vaccination rolled out, the deaths went up in all age groups that were vaccinated.”

The severity of the situation was emphasized by House Chairman Dan Fernandez, who said, “And that’s the reason why the chair believes that there is a correlation between these two.” His words confirmed a growing belief among delegates that the increased death toll was not accidental but rather related to the immunization campaigns.

Congressman Zia Alonto Adiong made a crucial addition regarding the legal defenses enjoyed by pharmaceutical companies: “There’s really an agreement that indicates that they cannot be sued. So I mean, that’s something that we should worry about.” If the vaccines were really as safe as advertised, he questioned the reasoning behind such agreements. “Why would a pharmaceutical company insist on not being sued if there will be injuries or fatalities that may come after as a result of that?”

We’ve been a part of that mistake”

House Chairman Dan Fernandez recognized prior legislative failures at a critical juncture in the hearing, saying, “We’ve been a part of that mistake because we approved the law that mandates the pharmaceutical to be responsible. And now we learn from that mistake.” His remarks offered hope for the future by reinforcing a pledge to correct legislative oversights. “Moving forward, we will correct the mistakes,” he promised.

The facts and testimony presented during the hearing had a lasting effect, pressing the House to look into the possibility of a connection between the increase in excess deaths and the vaccine roll-out. The country was clearly in need of accountability and transparency as it dealt with the fallout from these “experimental vaccines.” The House’s dedication to finding the truth looks to be a critical first step in resolving the various issues that the Filipino people have.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that according to a study published in the Cureus journal, mRNA COVID-19 vaccines caused more deaths than they saved.

Watch the full video of the hearing below:

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