Ecuador Plunged Into Darkness: Nationwide Power Blackout Paralyzes Country

In a post on X, Ecuador’s Minister of Public Works, Roberto Luque, revealed that the nationwide power blackout, which plunged the country into darkness, was due to a failure in the transmission line.

Ecuador Plunged Into Darkness: Nationwide Power Blackout Paralyzes Country 1

On Wednesday afternoon, a national power outage occurred in Ecuador, leaving 17 million people without electricity. Authorities are attempting to fix the malfunctioning transmission line that caused the outage.

“The immediate report that we received from the CENACE (National Center of Energy Control) is that there is a failure in the transmission line that caused a cascade disconnection, so there is no energy service on a national scale,” Roberto Luque, the minister of public works, wrote on X.

Luque continued, “We are concentrating all our efforts on resolving the problem as quickly as possible.”

Ecuador Plunged Into Darkness: Nationwide Power Blackout Paralyzes Country 2

A significant portion of the country’s subway system is immobilized as a result of the blackout. Major cities’ hospitals are reportedly without electricity. This occurred months after decreasing hydroelectricity power generation levels prompted President Daniel Noboa of Ecuador to proclaim a state of emergency and impose eight-hour national rationing.

Shortly after the power interruption, Ecuador’s countrywide connectivity fell to 44%, according to internet tracking website NetBlocks.

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that Vietnam is experiencing a significant internet blackout due to three undersea cables being down, sparking suspicions of sabotage amid geopolitical tensions.

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