The IT systems of two Indian vaccine makers Bharat Biotech and Serum Institute of India have been targeted by Chinese hackers. Hackers targeted the vulnerabilities and gaps in their supply chain software and IT infrastructure.
No doubt, both India and China have sold Coronavirus shots to many countries. More than 60% of all vaccines have been produced and sold in the world by India only.
As per Goldman Sachs-backed Cyfirma, this hacking group in China has targeted the vulnerabilities and gaps in supply chain software and IT infrastructure of Bharat Biotech and the Serum Institute of India.
The Cyfirma Chief Executive Kumar Ritesh said ‘The real motivation here is actually exfiltrating intellectual property and getting competitive advantage over Indian pharmaceutical companies”.
Chinese hackers are targeting AstraZeneca vaccine maker (SII). The Serum Institute of India has been making vaccines for various countries and it will start bulk manufacturing of Novavax s...