
Heavy Battle Breaks Out Between Armenia And Azerbaijan

Heavy Battle Breaks Out Between Armenia And Azerbaijan

Heavy battle has broken out between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Both nations’ defense ministries report clashes at various locations. Armenia claims that its territory is under attack and that Goris, Sotk, and Jermuk in the east are the targets of heavy shelling at the moment.

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Suicide Blast At Russian Embassy In Kabul Kills 2 Diplomats

Suicide Blast At Russian Embassy In Kabul Kills 2 Diplomats

Although suicide bombings against foreign embassies and other international institutions have decreased since the Taliban took control, the anti-Taliban ISIS-K group has continued to carry them out. Now, a suicide blast at the Russian embassy in Kabul has killed two diplomats.

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How Ukrainians Sell NATO-Supplied Weapons Abroad

How Ukrainians Sell NATO-Supplied Weapons Abroad

Western nations provided Kiev billions of dollars in aid at the commencement of the Russian special forces operation in Ukraine, but the majority of it has come in the form of weapons to engage Russian forces. It appears that some Ukrainians, nevertheless, put the weapons to good use. This is

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The Most PR Intensive War Of All Time

Ukraine – The Most PR-Intensive War Of All Time

I mean this is after all the same Volodymyr Zelensky who has been so busy making video appearances for the Grammy Awards, the Cannes Film Festival, the World Economic Forum and probably the Bilderberg group as well, and having meetings with celebrities like Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, and Bono and

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