
Chinese Surveillance Balloon Incident Explained

Chinese Surveillance Balloon Incident Explained

The Chinese surveillance balloon is a topic of much discussion and speculation in recent weeks. This article will delve into the events surrounding this mysterious object, starting with its reported entry into U.S. and Canadian airspace, its trajectory over multiple locations, and the eventual downing by the U.S. military.

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Notes From The Digital Gulag

Notes From The Digital Gulag

As the author of Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, I guess I should not be surprised to find myself squarely in the digital gulag—banished, perhaps permanently, from Twitter and Facebook. Twitter permanently suspended my account several weeks ago, mere days before Elon Musk took over

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The Age of Drones

The Age of Drones

While researching my piece, The Truth about Luciferase, I came across a patent that blew my mind and I absolutely had to write about it.

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Karnataka Government Plans Law For Family ID Project

Karnataka Government Plans Law For Family ID Project

Kutumba is the Karnataka government’s planned law for a family ID project which is comparable to the upcoming Maharashtra Unified Citizen Data Hub. Technology and data researchers are crossing their fingers that the proposed regulation would provide adequate safeguards for citizen data.

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