
Shocking Survey Reveals Amazon India's Bathroom Ban For Workers 1

Shocking Survey Reveals Amazon India’s Bathroom Ban For Workers

A recent survey conducted by UNI Global Union and others reveals alarming conditions faced by Amazon India warehouse workers and delivery drivers. Almost 90% of warehouse employees report insufficient restroom breaks, with many feeling pressured to meet demanding work targets that leave little time for rest or socializing. Workers describe

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California Housing Crisis 2024: Homes 11 Times The Average Salary 1

California Housing Crisis 2024: Homes 11 Times The Average Salary

In 2023, buying a home in California became increasingly unattainable for many, especially in major cities like San Jose and Los Angeles. A Harvard University study revealed that median home prices in these areas were up to 11 times higher than the average annual wages. The report highlighted a growing

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How Canadian Cars Are Stolen And Sold Overseas 1

How Canadian Cars Are Stolen And Sold Overseas

Discover why Canada has become a surprising hotspot for car thefts, ranking among the top 10 countries globally according to Interpol. Since integrating its stolen vehicle data with Interpol in February 2024, Canada has detected over 1,500 stolen cars worldwide, highlighting a growing problem. The rise in thefts is fueled

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