
China Loots Sunken British Warships From WWII

Malaysian media has reported that illegal Chinese salvagers have looted sunken British warships from World War II in the South China Sea. Malaysia’s maritime agency said Monday it found a cannon shell believed to be from World War II on a Chinese-registered vessel and was investigating if the barge carrier

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Air New Zealand To Start Weighing Its Passengers

Air New Zealand load control improvement specialist, Alastair James, has revealed that the airline will start weighing its passengers. The survey is essential to the safe and efficient operation of the aircraft and is a Civil Aviation Authority requirement. Air New Zealand load control improvement specialist Alastair James explains that

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Killer Whales Have Learned How To Sink Yachts Off Gibraltar

Killer whales have allegedly been taught how to sink yachts off Gibraltar by a female orca named White Gladis, who is believed to be seeking revenge after experiencing trauma from a boat collision or entanglement in illegal fishing nets. A vengeful killer whale called Gladis is teaching gangs of orcas to attack

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Where Trust In The News Is Highest (& Lowest)

According to the Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022, trust in the news is highest in Finland and lowest in the United States. Trust in news has fallen in many countries around the world, following a temporary increase during the peak Covid-19 pandemic years, albeit still remaining higher than before the health

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‘Illegal Students Don’t Need Any Vaccines For School’

Citizens of Chicago are outraged by the city’s sanctuary policies toward migrants, particularly the belief that “Illegal Students Don’t Need Any Vaccines For School.” Chicago-area parents are voicing their outrage over public schools allowing migrant children to enroll without health documentation, as cities across the U.S. are dealing with an

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Norway Warns Against Approaching ‘Spy’ Whale

Norway’s fisheries director, Frank Bakke-Jensen, issued a warning on Wednesday against approaching a ‘spy’ whale named Hvaldimir. The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has warned the residents of Oslo to keep their distance from “Hvaldimir,” the white whale who appears to have chosen the fjord as his permanent home after traveling down the

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Australia Universities Ban Indian Students From Six States

Universities have started banning Indian students as Australia’s Department of Home Affairs is considering one in four applications from six states as “fraudulent” or “non-genuine.” One in four applications now being deemed as “fraudulent” or “non-genuine” by the Department of Home Affairs, the report said. Two Australian universities – Federation

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Outrage At Google ‘Slavery Simulation’ Game

A game named “Simulador de Escravidão,” or “Slavery Simulator,” was taken down by Google Play on Wednesday following outrage in Brazil. For about a month, Google Play users in Brazil could download a game that simulated what the South American nation looked like in the 1600s — a Portuguese colony

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