Fish Sing Songs Timed With The Moon
A team of researchers at the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s National Institute of Oceanography has found that fish sing songs timed with the moon.
A team of researchers at the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research’s National Institute of Oceanography has found that fish sing songs timed with the moon.
Researchers from the University of Georgia have just used AI to discover a new planet outside our solar system.
A massive blue hole recently discovered off the coast of Mexico, documented in the scientific journal Frontiers in Marine Science, may provide a window into new lifeforms.
In a recent paper, University of California College of Law Professor Veena Dubal said rideshare apps promote ‘algorithmic wage discrimination’ by personalizing wages for each driver based on data they gather from them.
A ghost particle, also called a neutrino, is an electrically neutral and fundamental particle that could help solve the mystery of existence.
Missouri House Bill 1169 has prompted the US to announce a task force to conduct a fact and science-based assessment of the issue of mRNA vaccines for cattle.
According to the study published in the Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, parrots have learned to video call, surpassing the hype about pigeon messengers.
Inside the Struggle to Make Lab-Grown Meat Eric Schulze, Upside’s vice president of global scientific and regulatory affairs, said that it’s nearly time to eat cultivated meat.
The states considering legislation to introduce controversial mRNA technology targeting livestock include North Dakota, Tennessee, Arizona, Idaho, and Missouri.
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