Are you impressed by the capabilities and functions of ChatGPT and interested in integrating it with WhatsApp? Look no further, as this article will guide you on how to do so. Here's how to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp.
While 5G is still in the process of being adopted globally, researchers are already exploring the potential of the next generation of wireless technology: 6G. A team from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst has found a way to utilize the human body as an antenna. As a result, 6G wireless could actually use people as antennas.
Make Sunsets, Luke Iseman's startup that has at least $500,000 in venture money, has been conducting geoengineering experiments to cool the earth.
Christopher Wareham, a bioethicist expert at Utrecht University who studies the ethics of aging, told The Financial Times that he was worried that elderly billionaires will become immortal and keep compounding wealth forever.
Egypt is shown in all its splendor in space imagery from NASA and the European Space Agency. Here's the satellite view of the Pyramids and Nile River from space.
According to Li Shiyan, head of Baidu's virtual people and robotics division, companies can hire a virtual person for about $14k a year in China, and some of their customers include state media, local tourism boards, and financial services businesses.
According to Aston University researchers, cloud servers are running out of space, which the experts warn will result in a global data shortage.
Here are some of the biggest scientific developments that took place in 2022, including a breakthrough in nuclear fission energy technology as well as the "revived" dead pigs. The 5 biggest scientific breakthroughs of 2022: Fusion energy, ‘life after death’, and more.
After Synchron was given the go-ahead by the American Food and Drug Administration last year, the first patient from the United States was treated at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York in July 2022. This is synchron switch, the brain computer interface.
China has a notorious governmental surveillance apparatus that is renowned to violate its citizens' privacy and target the regime's political adversaries. Now, Chinese students have invented an invisibility cloak.