Category: Science & Technology

Watch: Scientists Create Real Doctor Octopus Arms  

Scientists from the University of Tokyo have created “Jizai Arms,” which resemble the real Doctor Octopus arms. This wearable backpack can power up to six detachable robot arms and moves with the user’s body. Scientists from the University of Tokyo have developed a set of robotic arms that can be

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First Full-Sized 3D Scan Reveals Titanic’s Untold Secrets

High-resolution images of the first full-sized 3D scan published by the BBC reveal Titanic’s untold secrets. The first full-sized 3D scan of the Titanic shipwreck published on Wednesday may reveal more details about the ocean liner’s fateful journey across the Atlantic more than a century ago. The high-resolution images, published

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Your DNA Can Now Be Pulled From Thin Air

According to a research report published on Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, it is now possible to extract your DNA from thin air. David Duffy, a wildlife geneticist at the University of Florida, just wanted a better way to track disease in sea turtles. Then he started

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How Genetics Determine Our Life Choices

An Icelandic company called deCODE genetics, which has sequenced more whole genomes than any other institution in the world, is trying to find out how genetics determine our life choices. In the subterranean depths of a granite building on the outskirts of Iceland’s capital, Reykjavík, a robot is slowly and

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Nikola Tesla’s Writing Predicting The Internet And Even Cellphones Decades Before They Were Actually Invented Recovered

Nikola Tesla’s writings, predicting the internet and even cellphones decades before they were actually invented, were published in “The Century Magazine” in an essay titled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy.” These writings have been recovered and provide fascinating insights into Tesla’s visionary ideas. Century-old writings by American inventor Nikola Tesla seem

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Google Historical Satellite Imagery Disappears For India

Google’s historical satellite imagery for India has disappeared, and a spokesperson from Google responded by stating that they are currently reprocessing some of their historical imagery. They reassured that the imagery will be made available again later this year. Satellite historical imagery of India over the past two decades has

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Time Twisted In Quantum Physics: How The Future Might Influence The Past

A growing group of experts thinks that we should abandon the assumption that present actions can’t affect past events in quantum physics, called ‘retrocausality.’ The future might influence the past. In 2022, the physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work showing that the quantum world must break some of our fundamental

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