They’re Putting ‘Wood’ In Your Chicken Nuggets

An exclusive investigation by has revealed that chicken nuggets contain various ingredients, including “wood” among others. Fried chicken is a favorite for millions of Americans – but many of the options offered by America’s biggest fast food chains contain other unexpected ingredients.  These restaurants will often fill their food with additives, preservative and even […]

Model Creates AI Clone Of Herself; 1,000 Boyfriends Pay Rs 5,000 Per Hour To Date Her

Caryn Marjorie, a Snapchat influencer and model, has created an AI clone of herself. She offers the opportunity for individuals to date her AI clone, and reportedly, 1,000 boyfriends are willing to pay Rs 5,000 per hour for this experience. A social media influencer who has “1,000 boyfriends” has created an AI clone of herself that charges […]

‘One Third Of Scientific Papers Are Made Up’

According to neuropsychologist Bernhard Sabel of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, a new fake-paper detector has revealed that one-third of scientific papers are made up. When neuropsychologist Bernhard Sabel put his new fake-paper detector to work, he was “shocked” by what it found. After screening some 5000 papers, he estimates up to 34% of neuroscience […]

New Study Finds Prehistoric Migration From China To Americas

A new genetics study published Tuesday in Cell Reports finds prehistoric migration from China to the Americas. As the last continents to be settled by humans, the question of how and when people first came to the Americas has long intrigued scientists. A new genetics study published Tuesday in Cell Reports finds that some of […]

AI Fakes And Lies Will Destroy Society, Warns Britain’s Former Top Cyber Spy

Britain’s former top cyber spy, Ciaran Martin, warns that AI fakes and lies will destroy society as they will make it hard to tell the difference between truth and lies. Artificial Intelligence risks “undermining the fabric of our society” because people will no longer be able to tell the difference between truth and lies, according to […]

FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces

The FDA has approved Vowst, which is the first oral biologic pill for fecal microbiota containing human feces. Patients needing a fecal microbiota transplant for recurrent Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) infections now have the option of getting stool in pill form. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Vowst, the first oral biologic drug […]

Recycling Releases Microplastics Into Water Supply – Shocking Study

A shocking study reported in the Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances revealed that recycling releases microplastics into the water supply. A team of environmental engineers at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland and Dalhousie University Halifax in Canada has found that techniques for recycling plastics may inadvertently lead to increased environmental microplastics. In their study, […]

High Levels Of Toxic Metals Found In Widely Consumed Drinks: Study

A study conducted by researchers from Tulane University, Louisiana found high levels of toxic metals in widely consumed drinks. A new study has found that some commonly consumed beverages such as fruit juice and artificial soda contain levels of toxic metals including arsenic, cadmium, and lead that exceed federal drinking water standards. Researchers from Tulane University, Louisiana, measured 25 […]

$16,000 Penis Enlargement Surgery Growing In Popularity

$16,000 Penis Enlargement Surgery Growing In Popularity

Eight years ago, Beverly Hills urologist James Elist invented the Penuma, a new form of cosmetic surgery to enhance men’s penises. For $16,000, Dr. Elist makes an incision just above a patient’s penis and inserts the Penuma, a sheath of silicone, into the shaft, adding anywhere from one to two inches in length and up to two and a half inches in girth.

Loneliness As Deadly As Cigarettes

The Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday that the U.S. surgeon general stated that loneliness is as deadly as cigarettes and has cost the healthcare industry billions of dollars. Loneliness has caused serious health risks, as nearly half of adults across the nation say they have experienced the feeling, the U.S. surgeon general said, declaring […]