Ukraine’s Power Crisis: No Missiles For Defense, No Money In The Bank

Ukraine’s Power Crisis: No Missiles For Defense, No Money In The Bank 1

Since March, Ukraine has lost half of its remaining power generation capacity due to ongoing Russian strikes, leaving the country with severe energy deficits. Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, CEO of Ukrenergo, revealed the grim reality during a recent panel discussion, where the dire situation was underscored by frequent blackouts. With winter approaching and no immediate solutions in […]

Ecuador Plunged Into Darkness: Nationwide Power Blackout Paralyzes Country

Ecuador Plunged Into Darkness: Nationwide Power Blackout Paralyzes Country 1

In a post on X, Ecuador’s Minister of Public Works, Roberto Luque, revealed that the nationwide power blackout, which plunged the country into darkness, was due to a failure in the transmission line. On Wednesday afternoon, a national power outage occurred in Ecuador, leaving 17 million people without electricity. Authorities are attempting to fix the […]

Could Tiny Nuclear Reactors Solve The Grid Problem?

Could Tiny Nuclear Reactors Solve The Grid Problem? 1

The Wyoming Energy Authority awarded BWX Technologies Inc. a multimillion-dollar contract to develop small nuclear reactors to address power grid issues in the Powder River Basin. To counter a federal attempt to shut down its lucrative coal mining sector in the energy-rich Powder River Basin, Wyoming is strengthening its relationship with a major submarine power […]

World’s Largest Nuclear Plant Remains Idle Despite Energy Crisis

World's Largest Nuclear Plant Remains Idle Despite Energy Crisis 1

The Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, the world’s largest, sits dormant amidst global energy demands. Despite Japan’s goal to derive 50% of its energy from nuclear sources by 2030, the plant has remained inactive since the Fukushima disaster. We believe it won’t be long until nuclear power experiences another surge in popularity. However, despite the […]

US Power Grid May Become Unreliable This Summer

US Power Grid May Become Unreliable This Summer 1

According to the NERC assessment, the US power grid may become unreliable this summer due to above-average demand conditions and a decreased electrical supply, which could result from possible low wind or solar energy conditions. You can read the original article here. According to a report by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), renewable […]

Meet The Company Helping Restart The Nuclear Revolution In The U.S.

Meet The Company Helping Restart The Nuclear Revolution In The U.S. 1

Holtec, the top U.S. manufacturer of storage equipment for nuclear waste, is driving the nuclear revolution in the U.S. by reopening cold reactors and investing in small modular reactors (SMRs). A business by the name of Holtec has emerged as the spokesperson for bringing nuclear power back to the United States. A firm that is […]

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Existing power plants are projected to retire at a faster pace than installations of new units, and dependence on renewable projects are threatening widespread power shortages, according to a new report by regional power transmission company PJM Interconnection.