
Lesley Wolf Leaked Info To Hunter Biden’s Lawyer

The whistleblower, Gary Shapley Jr., claimed that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf leaked information to Hunter Biden’s lawyer. Justice Department investigators were “trying to limit” questioning related to President Biden as part of the investigation into Hunter Biden, despite objections from FBI and IRS officials, a whistleblower alleged. The House Ways

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We Need A Peace President

We need a peace-oriented president like President Kennedy, as we are now closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Most people agree that we are closer to nuclear war than at any time since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Some would even argue

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Space Force General Gives Blistering Speech At Pentagon Pride Event Slamming More Than 400 Anti-LGBTQ State-Level Bills She Claims Are Forcing Her To Hire ‘Less Qualified’ Candidates

Space Force General Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt gave a speech at a Pentagon Pride event, slamming more than 400 anti-LGBTQ state-level bills. She claimed that these bills were forcing her to hire ‘less qualified’ candidates. A high-ranking Space Force officer has spoken out slamming a slew of recent anti-LGBTQ state

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Arabella Advisors – The Clinton Dark Money Network

Arabella Advisors is often referred to as “The Clinton Dark Money Network” and has incubated the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the New Venture Fund, the Hopewell Fund, and the Windward Fund. Arabella Advisors is a Washington, D.C.-based for-profit consulting company that advises left-leaning donors and nonprofits about where to give money and

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Biden Hijacks $6 Billion AIDS Program To Promote Abortion

Republican Congressman Chris Smith (NJ), who is the prime sponsor of the 2018 PEPFAR reauthorization bill, stated that Biden is hijacking a $6 billion AIDS program to promote abortion. The Biden administration is allegedly using a Bush-era program that delivers AIDS relief to Africa, called PEPFAR, to promote its pro-abortion

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Trump Announces Plan To Investigate Big Pharma, Autism

Trump announces plan to investigate Big Pharma and autism to find what’s causing chronic illness in the United States. Former President Donald Trump has announced his plan to “address the sharp rise in chronic illnesses and health problems” across the United States, including the establishment of a Presidential Commission of independent minds

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The 16 People Who Will Pick The Next President

The top 16 people who will have the biggest impact on the 2024 presidential campaign, excluding the candidates, are given below. 16. Whoever is in charge of message discipline for Robert Kennedy When he is good, the Biden rival sounds like a cross (in a good, politically potent way) between

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Inside The Sordid, Booze-Filled Life Of Matt Schlapp

The parties at Conservative Political Action Conferences have become the stuff of legend, and the sordid, booze-filled life of Matt Schlapp. Matt Schlapp and his wife Mercedes have a long reputation of being the conservative darlings of Washington, D.C. They are known for the lavish shindigs at their Virginia mansion with an

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