National Security

Is China Spying Via Cargo Cranes

Is China Spying Via Cargo Cranes

U.S. officials are growing concerned that giant Chinese-made cranes operating at American ports across the country, including at several used by the military, could give Beijing a possible spying tool hiding in plain sight.

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The Biggest Fraud In German History Linked To Russian Intelligence

The Biggest Fraud In German History Linked To Russian Intelligence

Late in the spring of 2020, Jan Marsalek, an Austrian bank executive, was suspended from his job. He was a widely admired figure in the European business community—charismatic, trilingual, and well travelled. Even at his busiest, as the chief operating officer of Wirecard, Germany’s fastest-growing financial-technology company, he would assure

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Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Existing power plants are projected to retire at a faster pace than installations of new units, and dependence on renewable projects are threatening widespread power shortages, according to a new report by regional power transmission company PJM Interconnection.

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