National Security

Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler's Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy 1

Trump-Russia Hoax Peddler’s Wife Turns Out To Be Foreign Spy

Max Boot’s wife, Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and senior foreign policy expert, has been indicted for spying for South Korea. According to the charges, Terry traded sensitive U.S. intelligence and influence over American policies in exchange for luxury gifts like designer coats and high-end dinners. The indictment

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Explosive Whistleblower Claims: How NATO Compromised Trump's Security 1

Explosive Whistleblower Claims: How NATO Compromised Trump’s Security

Whistleblowers have revealed that the Secret Service faced resource shortages during Trump’s recent rally due to the NATO summit in Washington, D.C., and First Lady Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburgh. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is demanding answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray about these security lapses, questioning the coordination

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Did Trump Fake His Own Assassination? 1

Did Trump Fake His Own Assassination?

In a surprising twist, a recent poll revealed that 34% of Democrats believe former President Trump faked an assassination attempt, a theory dubbed “BlueAnon.” This idea, reportedly pushed by Democratic powerbroker Dmitri Mehlhorn, suggests the shooting was a false-flag operation for political gain. Despite evidence of the attack, including photos

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Inside Iran's Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy 1

Inside Iran’s Shadowy Hostage Diplomacy

In a controversial prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran, a convicted Iranian torturer Hamid Noury was traded for two Swedish citizens. Noury had committed severe human rights abuses, yet Iran secured his return in exchange for releasing the Swedes falsely accused of espionage and other charges. This exchange highlights Iran’s

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J D Vance on Kill list Ukraine's Molfar

J. D. Vance Put On Kill-list By Ukraine’s Molfar

Molfar OSINT, a Ukrainian intelligence agency based in London, has just added Senator J.D. Vance to its kill-list on the same day he was announced as Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential candidate. This surprising move is seen as a major security threat to both Vance and Trump. Molfar functions as a

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