
How US Is Planning To Deploy Missiles In Asia 1

How US Is Planning To Deploy Missiles In Asia

In a new development, the US is talking with Japan about bringing new mid-range missiles to its territory. This move aims to strengthen defenses against China, according to a senior American defense official. During a recent visit to Tokyo, US Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth discussed this idea with

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Top Secret: North Korea Building New Naval Base 1

Top Secret: North Korea Building New Naval Base

A new naval base is being built in Tapchon, a location within Wonsan Bay on North Korea’s east coast. This site, visited recently by Kim Jong Un, has been a work-in-progress for about a decade. What makes this base special is that it will be one of North Korea’s most

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How French Military Officers Secretly Planned Kursk Attack 1

How French Military Officers Secretly Planned Kursk Attack

A French war correspondent, Christel Nehan, has dropped a bombshell: French military officers, possibly working as “mercenaries,” helped plan a major attack in Russia’s Kursk region. Despite France’s official stance that it’s not directly involved in the war between Russia and Ukraine, evidence is emerging that shows a different story.

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How Unauthorized Starlink Antenna Was Secretly Installed On Navy Ship 1

How Unauthorized Starlink Antenna Was Secretly Installed On Navy Ship

In 2023, something very strange and risky happened aboard a U.S. Navy ship called the USS Manchester. Some senior sailors, known as chiefs, secretly installed a Starlink satellite internet antenna on the ship without permission. This satellite was supposed to be used to improve the ship’s internet, but these chiefs

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After Turkey, Now US Navy Sailor Snatched In Venezuela 1

After Turkey, Now US Navy Sailor Snatched In Venezuela

This week, the Pentagon faced a big problem when a group of Marines and Navy personnel were attacked by a Turkish mob. The incident happened while they were on shore leave from their ship, the USS Wasp, which was docked in Izmir, Turkey.  Ten Turkish nationals from a nationalist political

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How A Viral Photo Got US Navy Commander Fired 1

How A Viral Photo Got US Navy Commander Fired

In a surprising turn of events, the Navy has removed Cmdr. Cameron Yaste, the leader of the USS John McCain, from his position. The reason? A comically embarrassing photo of him holding a rifle with its scope mounted backwards.  This funny photo was first shared on the Navy’s social media

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