
US Air Force To Become Partially Pilotless In 10-15 Years

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, said on Tuesday that the US Air Force is expected to become partially pilotless within the next 10-15 years. The US Air Force will become partially pilotless in the next 10-15 years amid the ongoing fundamental change in technology,

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Major Drone Attack On Moscow Damages Several Apartment Buildings

Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin stated that a major drone attack on Moscow damaged several apartment buildings, but there have been no reports of fatalities. A major Tuesday morning drone attack has damaged buildings in the Russian capital of Moscow, which the Kremlin has swiftly blamed on Ukraine. It’s being widely

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‘Nuclear Weapons For Everyone’ Who Joins Belarus And Russia, Putin Ally Promises

Putin ally, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, promises “nuclear weapons for everyone” who joins Belarus and Russia. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, promised nuclear weapons to any nation that joined Russia and Belarus. The comment came just days after the Belarusian leader confirmed the transfer of Russian nuclear

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Is AUKUS Weaponizing Drone Swarms Against China?

The British defense minister hinted that AUKUS, a trilateral security pact between Australia, the UK, and the US, may involve the weaponization of drone swarms against China. The AUKUS military alliance has placed special emphasis on swarm drone technologies in what appears to be an effort to gain the upper

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After Assad Joins Arab League, US Builds New Base In Northern Syria

According to The New Arab report, after Assad’s inclusion in the Arab League, the US has built a new base in the northern Syrian province of Raqqa. The US-led anti-ISIS coalition is building a new military base in Syria’s northern province of Raqqa, The New Arab reported, citing a source close to the Kurdish-led

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These Are All The Countries That Use F-16 Fighter Jets

Statista’s Martin Armstrong has created a list of all the countries that use F-16 fighter jets, which is provided in the article. During the G7 summit held from 19 to 21 May in Japan, US President Joe Biden gave permission for other countries to deliver F-16 fighter jets – manufactured by

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Putin Signs Deal To Deploy Nukes In Belarus

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that Putin has signed a deal to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus as a measure to counter potential military threats in the military-nuclear sphere. Moscow and Minsk have signed a deal to formalise the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear missiles on Belarusian territory. Russia on Thursday

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