Category: Covert Operations

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

Declassified documents reveal how British Intelligence use Islam to wage War and how the UK propaganda unit used Friday sermons, newspapers and novels to spread anti-Communist messages across Middle East. Exclusive: Coronavirus Bioweapon – Our controversial report on how Coronavirus was Weaponized  [toc] Use Islam to wage War A British government propaganda

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Did Mossad secretly Fund Hamas

Did Mossad Secretly Fund Hamas

On Saturday, Israeli media reported that Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi, head of the Israel Defence Force’s Southern Command, traveled to Doha to ask Qatar to continue funding Hamas, the Palestinian militant and political group which Tel Aviv formally classifies as a terrorist group. The revelation

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Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 Brought Down By British Secret Service

A Ukranian whistleblower Former Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov of the Ukrainian Security Services has revealed with evidence from classified documents he attained through his own high-ranking position that the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 or MH-17 tragedy was orchestrated by British Secret Service with Ukrainian Security Service using the 156 Anti-Aircraft

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Was Iran Plane Shootdown A Setup

Was Iran Plane Shootdown A Setup By The Deep State?

The 19-second video published by the New York Times last week showing the moment an Iranian missile hit a passenger jet has prompted much social media skepticism on whether the Iranian plane shootdown was a setup by western intelligence. Questions arise about the improbable timing and circumstances of recording the

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How CIA used Vampires as Weapons of War

 CIA’s Psywar Combat Squad & Aswang Vampires 

The CIA is well known for its use of Indian Universities to create students movements, psychological operations to break its enemies, rig EVMs to manipulate elections and carry out false-flag attacks for regime change. However, less known is CIA’s manipulation of religion and use of beliefs like second coming and

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Ramparts Scandal - CIA Spies at Indian Universities

Ramparts Scandal – CIA Spies At Indian Universities

In February 1967, senior officials from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were horrified when the American west-coast magazine, Ramparts, exposed the US intelligence organisation’s longstanding financial relationships with a number of international educational and cultural bodies. In a series of damning articles, reproduced in The New York Times and The

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Operation Northwoods False Flag

Operation Northwoods – Flase Flag Attacks & Regime Change

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to

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