India-Egypt Ancient Ties: Buddha Statue’s Discovery Points To Deep Civilisational Links

The discovery of a Buddha Statue by a Polish-US mission points to ancient civilizational links between India and Egypt. India’s Buddhist traditions left their trail of ascetic uniqueness in ancient Egypt. A statue of Buddha, the reverent ascetic who founded Buddhism, has been discovered in Egypt’s seaport of Berenice on the Red Sea, about 900 […]

Advice On Tax Dodging And Bribery From An 18th-Century East India Company Merchant

An 18th-century East India Company merchant named John Pybus offers advice on tax dodging and bribery in his notes. East India Company merchant John Pybus compiled notes about the practicalities of trade in various ports and settlements of the Indian Ocean in the 18th century. Among lists of prices, exchange rates, and goods are advice […]

Nikola Tesla’s Writing Predicting The Internet And Even Cellphones Decades Before They Were Actually Invented Recovered

Nikola Tesla’s writings, predicting the internet and even cellphones decades before they were actually invented, were published in “The Century Magazine” in an essay titled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy.” These writings have been recovered and provide fascinating insights into Tesla’s visionary ideas. Century-old writings by American inventor Nikola Tesla seem to predict the development of […]

Katarzyna Kobro – Polish Sculptor

Katarzyna Kobro - Polish Sculptor

Katarzyna Kobro was a pioneering Polish sculptor who is best known for her contributions to the development of Constructivism, an avant-garde art movement that emerged in the early 20th century. Born in Moscow in 1898 to a Polish family, Kobro spent most of her life in Poland, where she created some of the most significant sculptures of her time. She studied art in Moscow, Kiev, and Paris before settling in Poland in 1928. Here’s everything you need to know about Katarzyna Kobro, the Polish sculptor.