Los Angeles City Council Repeals COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate

Los Angeles City Council Repeals COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate 1

Los Angeles City Council repealed the COVID-19 vaccination mandate for municipal employees by a 13-0 vote on Tuesday, allowing affected employees to reapply for their positions. You can read the original article here. By a vote of 13-0 on Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council repealed the city’s ordinance mandating that municipal employees receive the […]

List Of Countries With Universal Health Coverage

List Of Countries With Universal Health Coverage 1

According to data from CEOWorld Magazine, the countries with universal health coverage have been listed below, with 73 of the 195 nations, or roughly 65% of the population, having UHC. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as ensuring that all people, regardless of financial situation, have access to the complete spectrum […]

Staying Up Late Tied To Higher Risks Of Depression And Anxiety

Staying Up Late Tied To Higher Risks Of Depression And Anxiety 1

A recent large-scale study from Stanford Medicine, led by Jamie Zeitzer and Renske Lok, found that regardless of chronotype, staying up late significantly increases the risks of depression, anxiety, and other behavioral disorders. You can read the original article here. You enjoy spending those late evenings working through the night as a mark of pride. […]

Bird Flu Sparks Supply Chain Chaos

Bird Flu Sparks Supply Chain Chaos 1

According to the US Department of Agriculture, at least 80 dairy cows in ten states have contracted bird flu, causing escalating deaths and culling, potentially leading to severe supply chain disruptions and economic strain. According to the most recent data from the US Department of Agriculture, at least 80 dairy cows in ten states have […]

Fauci Transcript From Closed-Door Testimony

Fauci Transcript From Closed-Door Testimony 1

Brad Wenstrup, chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, released Dr. Anthony Fauci’s transcript today, detailing his 14-hour testimony on COVID-19 policies and responses. The interview transcript with Dr. Anthony Fauci was made public today by Brad Wenstrup, the chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (R-Ohio). During the COVID-19 epidemic, […]

Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths

Fauci Claims Unvaccinated Responsible For Additional 200-300k Deaths 1

During his hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic at Capitol Hill, Fauci claimed the unvaccinated were responsible for an additional 200-300k deaths. Disgraced physician Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted during his Monday hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that hundreds of thousands of Americans had died as a […]

How A Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Cancer Was Forced To Retract By The University

How A Study Linking COVID Vaccines To Cancer Was Forced To Retract By The University 1

A study by Dr. Hui Jiang and Dr. Ya-Fang Mei linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer was retracted by Stockholm University amid controversy over the retraction’s reasons and alleged external pressure from concerned scientists and public backlash. The co-author of a paper indicating that the spike protein from both the COVID-19 virus and the COVID injections […]

Exercise May Be More Effective Than Antidepressants In Treating Depression

Exercise May Be More Effective Than Antidepressants In Treating Depression 1

A paper published in the BMJ found that exercise may be more effective than antidepressants in treating depression. You can read the original article here. Dancing far outperforms all other activities and pharmaceutical therapies when it comes to curing depression, according to research, with rigorous exercise following closely behind. When combined with other proven therapies […]

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci’s Agency During Pandemic

Big Pharma Paid $690 Million To Fauci's Agency During Pandemic 1

New data from the National Institutes of Health has revealed that Big Pharma paid $690 million to Fauci’s agency during the pandemic. The American people began to sense that Big Government was cozying up to Big Pharma during the pandemic. We can now clearly see how near they were. During the pandemic, from late 2021 […]

FDA Approves Moderna’s New mRNA RSV Vaccine Bypassing Independent Advisers

FDA Approves Moderna’s New mRNA RSV Vaccine Bypassing Independent Advisers 1

The FDA approved Moderna’s new mRNA RSV vaccine, bypassing its independent vaccine advisory committee, which typically offers recommendations for such drugs. The mRNA respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine from Moderna was licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week for people 60 years of age and above. As stated in its approval […]