Global Governance

G7's Hidden Agenda Of Mind Control During Elections

G7’s Hidden Agenda Of Mind Control During Elections

The recent release of the “Apulia G7 Leaders’ Communiqué” by the heads of state from G7 countries has stirred intrigue and concern alike. Spanning 36 pages, this document opens with a resolute commitment to stand by Ukraine indefinitely in its conflict with Russia. Yet, beyond this headline, lies a more

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The WEF Wants To Hack Your Brain

During the WEF Annual Meeting 2023, the WEF focused on the weaponization of brain sciences and the vulnerabilities of the human brain, which suggest that they might want to hack your brain to militarise it.

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Speakers List For WEF Davos 2023

Speakers List For WEF Davos 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will host its annual meeting in Davos next month, and for the second year in a row, The Dossier is the first publication to publish a list of speakers attending the invite-only, ruling class gathering in Switzerland.

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Why The World Economic Forum's Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

Why The World Economic Forum’s Plutocracy Should Be Dissolved

A previous essay highlighted the serious threats posed by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” to individual liberty, human innovation, and general prosperity. It is important to expand discussion of these threats by examining the inherent dangers to free nations when so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of

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WEF Proposed Sound Waves For Mind Control In 2018

WEF Proposed Sound Waves For Mind Control In 2018

In 2018 they published an article entitled, Mind control using sound waves? We ask a scientist how it works. Of course, it was scrubbed from their site, but thanks to the Wayback Machine we have the evidence of their technocratic depravity.

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