Wednesday, June 26, 2024
After 13 Chinese jets recently breached Taiwan airspace, Chinese authorities responded by saying "No One & No Force" could stop it from taking Taiwan if it wanted to.
Due the sanctions that where placed on Russia after the attack of Ukraine by the West and western firms leaving the nation, Putin has now threatened to arrest officials of Coca-Cola, IBM, McDonald's, Procter & Gamble and other foreign companies.
Despite Western efforts to alienate Moscow via sanctions, India might bail out Russia by accepting an offer to purchase crude oil as well as other goods at a bargain.
Latest incidents suggest Putin might have orchestrated the Iran missile attack on a newly constructed US embassy in Erbil.
According to an Ukraine official Israeli PM Bennett pushed President Zelensky to surrender to Russia in a phone call on Tuesday which he did not accept.
After a seven-year stalemate over Ukraine's refusal to follow the provisions of the Minsk accords, Russia have launched a special military operation. As the situation develops, EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell has come to the realization that the west have made several mistakes in their relations with Russia.
Is this why Hunter Biden's laptop talks about "Children Burned Alive" in Ukraine?
The treasury department has claimed that the Chelsea owner and Russian oligarch, Roman Abramovich is associated with Putin which has resulted in him being sanctioned by the UK.
The situation between the United States and Russia has been deteriorating by the second. The circumstances have worsened to the point that now Russia is threatening to leave a US astronaut and abandon space station as well.
Russia has requested a meeting of the United Nations Security Council to investigate suspected US military biolabs in Ukraine.